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RAISE- Redon (France) and KLACT Partnership Interreg 4A Micro Project

RAISE- Redon (France) and KLACT Partnership Interreg 4A Micro Project

13th Oct

Raise is an EU Interreg 1VA funded micro project. The King’s Lynn Arts Centre Trust is working in partnership with Lever le Rideau and Les Articulteurs in Brittany.


At the Arts Centre, the group are making large scale outdoor theatres for children to play and put on performances in parks, forests and in the grounds of Stately homes and also smaller table top theatres for use in schools, social settings and family homes. The theatres will be bespoke depending on the setting.


Imaginative play is more than children having fun; it’s a fundamental

in both intellectual and social development. This project builds on previous work we have done over a number of years using different puppetry elements and techniques particularly the making of the small table top theatres.  We have found when working with young people of all ages and from many different backgrounds and circumstances, drama and particularly the use of puppets can give them a voice, the puppet can be and say whatever the puppeteer decides. In other words puppets are an extension of self and a perfect neutral medium through which to discuss sensitive issues and







express thoughts, fears and feelings that might otherwise find difficult to voice.


We have designed both products to be visually magical and inspiring, to be able to capture and engage young people. The project has been complex in many ways. The large scale theatres are  a new development for the Arts Centre and none of the members of the group have done anything like it before so have had to learn many new skills especially techniques used in carpentry.  Health and Safety guidelines and regulations have been at the forefront of the design of both products and have in many respects dictated the choice of wood, joints, paints etc. 


We are about to hold our product launch and invite business people to come along and give feedback and advice on the products, including their usability and functionability. One of each of the models will be on show to help give people an idea of the final product. The aim of the project has always been to set up a viable social enterprise producing and selling these theatres with a transnational link to a similar set up in Redon, we hope this maybe the first step and may serve as a marketing tool for both products.



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